It is always useful and of course reassuring to hear other points of view when you research areas you need help with. So if you have a dog and feel you may need help and understanding about your dog when out socialising, we thought some of our case studies could be useful in helping to guide you.
These are everyday dog owners and dogs who have truly found the Yellow Dog UK products helped them enjoy a happy and fun life with their dog when out and about.
Whether you just have one dog or perhaps you are dog walker and have one dog in particular who needs a little more attention, just by using Yellow Dog UK products, which are all of the highest quality, the whole experience of going for a walk can be so much more fun and less stressful.
So to help anyone reading who feels they need something to ease issues they may have when out walking with a dog who is potentially anxious, in season, post op, old or in training here’s some quotes from those that know it works. We have gathered together a small selection of people who have successfully used Yellow Dog UK products to help their dogs and themselves when out and about.
Please do have a read just to see how much these products really can help many dog owners.

Jenny and her dog Nancy love their Yellow Dog vests, as you can see from this great photo! ‘Nancy is one of my dog walking dogs and she’s completely blind, so needs her space when out on walks.’ The Yellow Dog vest is clear and obvious and becomes an easy item giving Jenny piece of mind when out walking. Other dog walkers, or even those without dogs may not appreciate Nancy’s disability but the vest sends an immediate alert so people can be considerate and understanding, of course this then helps Jenny and Nancy enjoy the fun walk they both deserve.

Luna is another Yellow Dog lover who has been given so much more freedom from wearing her Yellow Dog items.
‘It alerts people that she needs space on walk due to her nervousness and we’re very grateful of it.’ Luna loves to get out in all weathers but as a small dog who is rather anxious around others when out and about the Yellow Dog leads and covers are both practical and affordable. The lead covers are only £8 and can be used on all leads, it can be used as an aid for training and just has a small popper to secure onto the lead, with a very useful reflective strip for evening walks and you can just pop into the washing machine to wash, which is great for Luna after her muddy walks!
A Yellow Dog lead is also so useful. Whether a double lead, or a single lead or a training lead. These leads are amazing quality, the double handle lead is great in enabling you to keep your dog close when needed, quickly and easily without sending stressful messages to your dog. These are £15 and quite honestly an absolute bargain, it has two padded easy grip soft handles and with the I NEED SPACE logo couldn’t be clearer to other walkers that your dog does indeed need their space.
Other quotes…
‘This is a really good item to have for my dog as he is a rescue and very reactive to other dogs. Most people with dogs see this message and do give him the space he needs if I haven’t already made the space myself’
Yellow Dog UK promotes awareness and understanding of dogs who need space, also known as “yellow dogs”. These are dogs that may be nervous, in training, recovering from an injury or illness, being rehabilitated or simply dogs that prefer to keep their distance from people and other dogs.
Yellow Dog UK provides a range of resources and information for dog owners, including guidance on how to manage reactive dogs and a directory of sponsors that support the yellow dog cause. We offer a range of products, such as yellow vests, leads, lead covers, lead flags etc, to help dog owners signal to others that their dog needs space. Our aim is to help increase awareness and understanding of dogs who need space. By educating dog owners and the public we hope to create a safer and more harmonious environment for dogs and their human companions.