International Dog Day is coming up on August 26th so that feels like a good time to fuss over our dogs even more than usual maybe?

This day was founded in 2004 by Dog Trainer and Author, Colleen Paige amongst many other wonderful pet days. The main purpose for this awareness day was really to celebrate all dogs and to raise awareness for the public for the number of dogs that need to be rescued every year.

As well as this, the message was to highlight what an important role dogs actually play in so many peoples lives, from bringing comfort and companionship to helping those with disabilities and the huge help they can bring for law enforcement, from detecting bombs to drugs and even victims in wreckage situations.

At Yellow Dog we are only too aware of all the advantages that dogs can have in our world whilst at the same time truly recognizing their vulnerabilities. Dogs are so sensitive, to our moods, emotions and attitudes and this can be reflected in their behaviour too. They look to their owners for support and confidence and without this feedback can often become fearful and self protective.

The RSPCA said that animal rehoming figures had dropped recently by 8% whilst buying new pets was up by 8.4% after lockdown. However then the cost of living crisis combined with people buying dogs as something to do during lockdown and not appreciating the care and cost they entail were then either forced or decided to put the dogs up for adoption.

Many places are celebrating International Dog Day with events all over the world and in LondonThe Big Woof’ at King’s Cross should be fun! With over 25 dog friendly restaurants, dog shows, dog art exhibitions and even dog training sessions sounds like a great day out!

So enjoy the day but don’t forget if your dog is a little sensitive and doesn’t want to be unexpectedly approached why not get a Yellow Dog lead or cravat as just a little sign, so others can be aware and you and your dog can have a lovely day.
