If you follow Yellow Dog UK and understand, and indeed sympathise with the message we are promoting, perhaps you would like to think about becoming a Yellow Dog UK sponsor?  As you know we tirelessly promote awareness for Yellow Dogs in the UK. Sponsorship works well for vets, groomers, training schools, dog behaviourists and indeed any dog related businesses. The more help we get to promote Yellow Dog, adding to our already constant PR and social media campaigns, the better and the more understanding we can share across the UK.

Already we have created a huge following across the UK and the world, more and more dog owners are appreciating their own needs as well as others and understanding that not all dogs or owners want to be approached by dogs that are strangers. Their dogs may be lead reactive, shy, old, in season, recovering from an operation or simply afraid, so by wearing the yellow dog leads, badges, coats everyone can feel more relaxed which in turn translates to your dogs.

Please go to to find out more about how you could become part of the Yellow Dog team!
