by Yellow Dog UK | May 31, 2024 | Yellowdog
At Yellow Dog, we are of course naturally very conscious of all dogs’ stress levels as this is an area that plays a huge role in dogs behaviour, potentially making them afraid, defensive or even aggressive. Dog owners can be overwhelmed with tips and tricks...
by Yellow Dog UK | May 24, 2024 | Yellowdog
“For us pet parents, it’s our job to guide and instil tools, enabling dogs to live comfortably and happier, in a world of ideals and expectations which often oppose their natural instincts.” – Junior Hudson Introduction It’s an undeniable fact that owning a dog...
by Yellow Dog UK | May 2, 2024 | Yellowdog
If you follow Yellow Dog UK and understand, and indeed sympathise with the message we are promoting, perhaps you would like to think about becoming a Yellow Dog UK sponsor? As you know we tirelessly promote awareness for Yellow Dogs in the UK. Sponsorship works well...
by Yellow Dog UK | Apr 9, 2024 | Yellowdog
We all know how different seasons can affect our behaviour and feelings and this is something that can also be felt by our dogs. As spring is a season of change, thankfully where the weather improves and we all begin to embrace nature just that little bit more, it is...
by Yellow Dog UK | Mar 28, 2024 | Yellowdog
As National Pet month approaches in April. This is another great time to appreciate our pets and make sure we are doing all we can as responsible owners to look after our pets as best we can. At Yellow Dog we are constantly aware of the needs for...